With the lesser priced option, you obtain what you pay for which is most of the time, a bare-bones service that lacks experience and cutting corners. A lot of unknowing bookies pick out the cheap choice to save money. But these are false savings strategies. Any savings you obtain by hiring a per head that cannot even cover their own overhead are dwarfed by the rise in profits that a quality and well-established top pay per head sportsbooks can offer.
Awesome pay per heads also offer you a number of other benefits that inexpensive per heads will have a hard time to match:
- By handling the books for different agents, a pay per head is able to stay on top of industry trends that you might not notice yourself if you are doing it solo.
- In-the-trenches knowledge. This is a dog-eat-dog industry and it will only get harder in the long run with increasing competition and the changes that the Internet brings along. In fact, this is feasibly the biggest contributor for not doing it yourself.
- You always have access to the newest technologies when using a pay per head.
- Amazing pay per heads always prioritize managing your book.
If you are ready to let a pro pay per head take over your book, hiring correctly is your most important decision. But acknowledging that you are going to hire a pay per head does not mean your decision-making is over. Not kidding. The gap in class between the worst and the best price per head is a difference where you cannot see the other side. Bad pay per head sportsbooks will just end up hurting you.
Disadvantages of a getting a Cheap Service
So there are a lot of factors that will make one service be more expensive than another service. Also, the sites of the cheapest bookie softwares generally end up owning less betting choices, hard to understand customer service representatives, websites that always go down during busy Sundays, and lines that do not update fast enough and prohibit players from getting the desired lines.
All of these things will actually require bookie money over the long run, so just because the initial cost per player may be more inexpensive, it would prevent bookies from earning profits from booking action from their participants.
So if you are eyeing for the most inexpensive price that is fine, but it is crucial to remember that if you want to make more money from booking action then it is better to use a site that is not the cheapest. There are sites that charge an inexpensive monthly cost, which in terms of cost tend to be the cheapest, however, they have a lot of the problems mentioned above and a limited platform for live betting.
Live betting is one amongst the most popular betting features in the betting market right now. It is great because it grows betting volumes and allows players to bet all day and every day. The more action players make, then the more cash they will lose over the long run. So, unfortunately, the most inexpensive option with the cheapest monthly fee does not have a very reliable live betting feature available.
Then there are some inexpensive sites that require anywhere from $3 to $5 per active participant a week. Usually, these sites do not care about their service to the customer or product. They try to get as many agents as they can to make up for the low cost that they provide. This ends up leading to a lot of mistakes on lines, and grading. Less options on betting and less money expended in technology. With not so great mobile sites and websites that are not available during busy times
Top Pay Per Head Sportsbooks: Advantages of Paying for Great Quality
Then there are sites that require anywhere from $8 to $20. And they offer much better looking websites, and rarely ever have any website downtime. In addition, they have sharp lines and customer service representatives that are American-English speaking. These sites also give more betting choices and offer live betting features that contain live betting options for all sports. Over 75 different options per game.
So if you actually want to make the most money possible from this industry then it is better to stay away from the cheapest services. Just stick to the ones which are in the affordable range of $8 to $20 per active player a week. If you are only worried about just spending as little as possible. You could go with one pay per month choices or the inexpensive $3 to $5 range .
Get only on a trustworthy and reliable betting platform. Go to www.idsca.com and have peace of mind with your money’s worth. Give us a call at (866) 225-5437.