As a bookmaker, naturally your goal is to make as much money as you can. To do this, you need to carefully cultivate your business and make sure you provide the best experiences for your clients and customers. Bettors will quickly find someone else to work with if they have constant problems getting you on the phone, placing action, tracking their bets, or getting paid. Reputation is everything in this business, so you want to give services that will only enhance your image. You can provide the services clients are seeking when you use a pay per person sportsbook solution like what we offer here at IDSCA.
Taking the Sportsbook Burden off You
When you use our solutions and services here at IDSCA, you get access to a sportsbook program that will make your life much more comfortable. Our program is designed to take the back-office paperwork away from you so you have less to worry about and can focus more on cultivating and growing your customer base. Our program can do it all for you, from taking bets and providing real-time action to providing you with detailed reports, player lists, payout information and much more.
A Better Sportsbook Experience
While our pay per person sportsbook service makes things better for you, it also helps to enhance the client experience for you. You will no longer have to worry about having enough phone lines or missing calls thanks to the easy software solutions and customer service call center we give to our clients. We can have your website running securely and efficiently so that you can take all the action you want, giving your bettors an easy way to play all the time.
Give Pay Per Person a Try
The best way to see if our pay per person sportsbook here at IDSCA is for you is to give the program a try. You can set up a free demo account, so you can give the program a test drive and see what it can do for you just by signing up with us. Use the handy online form to set up an account and a website so you can get up and running quickly or give us a call at (866) 225-5437 and we will be happy to answer your questions and walk you through the process. Get the services that will make betting fantastic for your clients and great for your business.