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7 Secret Ways to Win in Sports Betting for Long Term

Are you tired of losing your wagers most of the time? Well, it’s normal, because, in sports betting, losers are more usual than winners. However, this is not supposed to happen unless you are equipped with knowledge and strategies on what you are doing. Everyone knows that the bookie has an advantage over his bettors, so, there are not many bettors who win long term. On the other hand, it is still possible for the bettors to have that advantage over the bookie without the latter knowing it. In this article, you will win the seven secret ways to win in sports betting to help you beat the bookie and earn the profit.


What is Expected Value (EV)?

Do you know that gambling companies assign a specific term for bettors who bet smartly? They call them the “Advantage Players.” These advantage players bet only when the odds are in favor of their side. Furthermore, these advantage players place their wagers on the times when the bookmaker’s 4.55% advantage towards straight bets turns negative. This is known as the “Expected Value of -EV and +EV.” The Expected Value plays major roles in the ways to win in sports betting, for it is used by professional gamblers regularly. Every wager of bettors who search for ways to win in sports betting can have one of the three EV. Expected value can be either negative expected value (-EV), positive expected value (+EV), or neutral expected value. If you are really serious to win consistently in online sports betting, you should know how to find the Expected Value (EV).


How Bookies Make Profit in Sports Betting?

To better understand the ways to win in sports betting, it is best to get first the concept of how bookies make profit. Bookies make profit in online sports betting through the VIGORISH. Vigorish or otherwise known as vig or juice, is in short, the bookmaker’s commission or percentage in every losing bet. The bookie has lots of ways to earn money using vig, in contrast, the bettor should also know some ways to win in sports betting for him to get profit. The sportsbook has its own built-in profit maker in the odds which the bookie uses to charge the bettor. However, not all sportsbook has the same vig, there is some low vig sportsbook, while most are high vig.


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  1. Future Betting Strategy

The future betting strategy is one of the ways to win in sports betting commonly used in NFL. A future bet is defined as the wager on an event that will not likely to happen until in the distant future. In future betting strategy, the odds vary greatly from site to site, that’s why to be able to get the best odds on each of your concerned team, different sites should be used. Typically, future bets come from the sports fans who are interested in backing their favorite player or team over the season. Meanwhile, professional bettors do not usually use ways to win in sports betting like this one due to massive juice that soon built into lines.

  1. Teaser Betting Strategy

Teaser Betting Strategy is one of the few ways to win in sports betting using modified point spreads. A teaser is a parlay bet that is just designed to be a “Tease.” This type of betting strategy belongs to the group of ways to win in sports betting that gives the bettor chance to effectively buy points. This chance is an exchange for the sake of pairing at least two bets together. A single bet can declare the entire bet some push if it has been pushed in a teaser. Most first-time bettors view teaser betting strategy as one of the easiest ways to win in sports betting. This view, arises based on the way teaser bet works. It is possible to bet up to four team teasers, if ever you lose the first three games and make the last game lands on the number of your original bet, you still have the chance to get your original stake back.

  1. Prop Betting Strategy

Prop Betting Strategy was derived from the term proposition. Its one of the ways to win in sports betting through placing a wager on anything other than a money line, point spread, game total or which team will win as well as how many points. It is likewise defined as the wager on the exact outcome of a certain proposition. Prop betting strategy is one of the easiest ways to win in sports betting that is generally known the easiest to beat due to the careless bookmaking. Prop betting strategy is commonly offered for all NFL games and works on ways that whichever team gets the first score, the backers of that team will win.

  1. Sweetheart Teasers Betting Strategy

Other books call Sweetheart Teasers Betting Strategy as Monster Teasers. This is one of the ways to win in sports betting that is designed by the books to expose the bettors with the illusion of easy profits. Compared to a regular teaser which involves anywhere starting from 2-15+ teams, in sweetheart teaser, there generally are not any 2 teams. Line shopping is important in sweetheart teaser and another form of ways to win in sports betting which involve teasers. Even though it’s one of the best ways to win in sports betting, remember to not to use sweetheart teaser betting strategy unless you have done extensive research. This is to avoid everything getting complicated and truly cripples your chances to beat the bookie.

  1. Pleaser Betting Strategy

Pleaser Bets is exactly the opposite of Teaser Bets and is only available in basketball and football spreads. Although both are used as ways to win in sports betting, bettors can still choose which of it is the right choice for a specific game. Pleaser bet is defined as the type of betting strategy which allows the bettor to move the line. This movement might favor the bookie but will exchange the bettor for better than normal odds. As a player, you can get a higher chance of payout here, just like any other ways to win in sports betting with the teaser. Usually, in pleaser bets, bettors can have anywhere from 2-6 teams and are mostly for 6 points. However, many bookies will allow you to give away more points for better odds, so they can have an advantage of a better line.

  1. Parlay Betting Strategy

Parlay Betting Strategy is one of the most popular ways to win in sports betting which bettors are familiar with. Parlay bet is easy to understand, it comes from the word “Parlay,” that is a simple combo bet. Parlay bet works by simply grouping bets into a single wager rather than betting for several teams individually. Compared to other ways to win in sports betting, parlay bets seem to be the favorite of most bettors for it gives lesser risk in greater payout. However, you need to select all teams for the win because once one or more games push while the others win, the payout gets reduced.

  1. NFL Bye Week Betting Strategy

NFL Bye Week Betting Strategy is one of the ways to win in sports betting that is created for only a single game, football. Every season, each NFL team receives a bye week since 1990. This bye week serves as the resting times for each NFL team to prepare, focus, make plans and get ready for their next games. However, you can’t bet on every team to win after coming off of their bye week. The theory on bye week emphasized that it benefits the better teams more than the weaker teams before the bye week. This means that to be able to use this way to win in sports betting, it is better to stick with the team’s records of performance before the bye week to have an advantage and earn the profit.


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Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

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