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PPH Scam Softwares: How Bookmakers Identify and Avoid Them

Like other Scamming ploys in the Internet Avenue, PPH scam software is prevalent in this line of industry. There scheming PPH software companies that offer false promises and are in for a fast buck to naive first-time bookies trying to earn an honest living. These PPH scammers are not out to make life easier for bookmakers; they exist to lure and rip off bookies from their hard earned money and make a fast one for themselves. PPH  odd masters learned from those pretenses from PPH scammers and can now identify those companies that are out to trick them and make a run for their money.


Legitimate PPH software companies do not over promise

The best pay per head software companies do not claim to give you the moon and the stars. PPH scam companies sweet talk you into investing and using their business’s services with inflated offerings. PPH scam companies claim to provide the agents riches and more money when they use their business’s PPH software. The claim will sound unrealistic that even they’ll go down to the level by putting down the software and the company saying that their scam company is better than their rivals. But the affirmation of the PPH scammer as the best software company will still depend on the online bookmaker to do his business and turn it into a success.

No matter how good the software is, the success of the online PPH business will solely depend on the online PPH bookie himself. PPH scam sites will make money from the innocent bookies investing in their sites. These bookmakers will eventually learn their lesson and will start to notice that their investment is not earning them the returns they are aiming. Better avoid such sites as soon as you see something fishy about them. The PPH scam software company will bear the brunt of the oddmasters because of the undelivered services due to its deceiving interest towards bookies.


The best tools for your PPH online business are free provisions by the best company

You’ll know that PPH Scam sites are scheming when they require you to purchase their software or any irrelevant software for that matter to make more money from you. Avoid these type of entity if they need you to buy items from them. Legitimate PPH software would want the bookmaker to succeed in the business because they believe that if a bookie does good in his sports booking, the company where the bookies are doing business with will benefit from their PPH services as well. The best pay per head software should have the following features for the online bookie that provides multiple reporting and tools for the trade.

Management tools that allow and alert bookies of fast actions and provide options for bettors to choose and make the bookie’s operation convenient are:

• Layoff Account – balances work to spread bets to keep clients at bay by minimizing losses and maximizing winnings

• Settle Alert – This tool helps the bookie manage his business with ease and convenience. It allows the bookmaker to create a pre-settle setting and pings the online agent when it’s time to collect or payout before reaching a settle limit.

• Scheduling of limit overrides – Gives the bookies to shut off bets in a particular game for a specified time to control the betting momentum.

•Line movers for bets across the game are more convenient to spread as to who you bet.

Example of this is a bookie accepting wagers from bettors while the match is on a play.

These management tools for online bookies make the administration of the sports booking easier and faster. The software for this management tools is free provision by the pay per head software company with the intent to help the bookmaker succeed in his online PPH business. When scheming PPH scam sites don’t supply you with these management tools, try looking for another location that will provide you with these available instruments.


Legitimate pay per head sites understand the needs and interests of the bookies under them

The PPH sites supply all the software and guidance to bookies working with them. Sites that do not give these support and training to their bookies are businesses to avoid. Today’s bookies are well aware of the services they need and provided for by PPH sites. The absence of such software and support from the PPH sites are signs of crafty schemes and are warning signs of wily people. The assistance of PPH software is critical to bookies, so their revenues and profits will improve and make their businesses easier to manage.

The benchmark for an authentic PPH software is the software that the site provides will help bookmakers in their business. It is a key feature that separates the genuine from scam sites. If the features of the software assist the bookmaker’s business, then it is not scam software. It will even motivate the bookie to work harder to raise the company even higher for more income.

Some PPH scam sites make the rush approach just to get the bookies into a situation where they can not back out from the deal. They offer to try the software now and talk about the payment scheme later. Once the bookie registers on their website, he can not do anything but pay the exorbitant prices the scam site orders them to pay. After which the PPH bookmakers find out that their sites do not help in revenues and profits. Avoid these scam sites as soon as you notice this sort of irregularity.


Fake sites instill fear and doomsday threats if you don’t register with their company

Some scam sites to avoid are those that instill fear in their potential clients by saying that “if you don’t register with us, your business will meet its doom and inevitably fail.” Now, how irritating is that? Seasoned bookies would know better than to avoid these fear selling attitude. Another common fear selling proposal is “we heard of a bookie that registered with another company and went bankrupt in three weeks time.” Fear selling approaches employment are when sites need the sale so badly that they will force the potential client to buy for the sake of closing the deal. They do not care what effect it will bring to bookies on the line. That is a dangerous scenario that a frustrated proposal could go that low. It is indeed a site to avoid.

Before getting into a contract with a PPH site, complete your research on finding out how these sites are. If your guts tell you that it is a scam, believe in your subconscious, it shows you first hand that it is true. Do not succumb to pressure selling as it could invite more conflicts to come in and join the fray. Also, do not get too excited of individual proposals that are too good to be true. Once the fake site’s representatives notice your weakness by the emotions you display, they will take advantage of the situation and play along with how you feel until the inclination to join them is difficult to refuse.

The primary purpose of a bookie to seek a real pay per head software is to augment his knowledge and income with the software provided by a PPH company. If the purpose is irrelevant or if the bookmaker loses money in the process,  the software is not doing the bookie any good, consider looking for another app for the PPH business. Being aware of the red flags relayed to bookies will provide them with opportunities in online and offline betting in a more systematic method.

The awareness of PPH scam sites will also prevent bookmakers from getting into a contract with the fake websites that promise everything. The knowledge of knowing how fake sites operate will also help the bookies avoid untoward involvement with scammers and the embarrassment from being on the lookout list of authorities.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

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We're here for you 24/7 with expert support at every step of your journey. From seamless setup to optimizing your players' experience, our team is always ready to help.


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