The Originator for over 25 years in Pay Per Head

Pay Per Head Service Software Is The Goal of Most Bookmakers

The search for the best pay per head service software is the goal of most bookmakers who want to expand their business and rake in profits and revenues. The onset of modern technology even improved the delivery of pay per head services to a higher level of sophistication. More vivid HD resolution and prompt communication are readily available for bookies and bettors enhancing the services for smart betting.

Present pay per head betting platforms delivers so many options and much-needed information for the benefit of the wagering public than those sites of old. These pay per head service sites attract more bookmakers to register in their platforms. More bookies mean more gamblers to bring with them to use the pay per head services offered. The betting sites are to benefit from the influx of online players into their fold.

The best pay per head service betting software

Being with the best pay per head service software will provide you with the ease and convenience of your betting activity. Consider IDSca pay per head service betting provider; it aids the bookmaker in making his job easier by taking care of the functions that consume most of his time. IDSca betting platform does the accepting of online wagers which automatically registers to the respective bookmaker’s records via the username and PIN code that the online players receive from their bookies. The bookmakers are the only ones that can provide these access codes to the pay per head service betting software.

Besides the automatic recording to the bookie’s account, IDSca also documents the records in its database for future tracking of the player’s bets. By tracking the player’s status, the bookmaker can ask for appropriate reports on how his gamblers fare in their betting games.

The convenience that the pay per head service provider delivers lets the bookmaker do the more important job, and that is to recruit more players in his group for more wagering activity.

The selection process of a pay per head service betting site

Before deciding on a pay per head service betting site, be sure that this platform is legitimate. Online scammers litter the avenue with their cunning ploys. It is best to identify the fake betting software from the legal sites that offer their betting platforms to avoid the illegal operations from taking its toll on you.

  • Legitimate pay per head service software providers do not over promise to their online customers. They guide the players to the best of their ability but does not promise of the big winnings at the end of the tunnel. They provide reliable information and offer the punters several options for a smart placement of bets; but never will they promise of an assured winning bet.
  • The best tools for the bookmakers and his online gamblers are free, courtesy of the online pay per head service betting site. Even the customization of the bookie website is free. IDSca provides a team of programmers adept to the needs of the bookie. The bookmaker will be giving instructions to IDSca’s team of programmers of the design of his website. He can have his system design the way the bookie sees it convenient for him to operate. By his own systems operations, the bookmaker can have total control of his business.
  • Fake pay per head service providers threatens potential bookies of untoward incidents if they don’t enroll in their illegal sites. They would say that if you join in the other website, you will lose your business and investments, just to sway your decision to register in their dominion.
  • Avoid pay per head service sites when your gut instinct tells you to do so. If your subconscious tells you that you tend to lose money when you register for an individual pay per head service site, obey that feeling and stay away from that website.


Primary guidelines for new bookmakers before deciding on a pay per head service software

  • Go for the duration of the free trial of the pay per head service betting software to determine if the program works for you. The test drive will tell you if the software is worth the time and investment. As a newbie in the bookmaking business, go for it, analyze and see if the platform says what it claims it can do in growing your bookie company. You may also detect the flaws and customer support it provides which can help you decide to use this betting software. Test demos average duration last for a week, do not opt for two or three-day demos only. A week is vital to your pay per head service tryout.
  • Explore the pay per head service platform if it is a user-friendly betting site. Feel the navigational convenience and ease of operating the program. The best pay per head service providers allows you to have your website customized according to the way you want it to run. Does it have the facilities of a sports booking software? Is horse track racing available in the betting site? Are digital casinos in the programs as well? New bookies must consider these features to have a broader potential to grow a starting bookie business by the presence of such elements.
  • Test the necessary tools you need to gather information and reporting parameters. The documentations are also essential for easy tracking and retrieval. A well recorded and documented operation is vital to the success of the bookmaking business.
  • Check if the information provided by the program is reliable and trustworthy. The data supplied to your online punters aid them in making intelligent placement of wagers. False data is catastrophic to your business and will lose you money.
  • Try placing bets on peak hours of the period. You will experience the smooth transition of your transaction or a poor pay per head service betting platform will tend to crash if the program it is using is inadequate to support the inflow of traffic due to insufficient server capacity.
  • Use other internet connection methods like mobile devices to access the pay per head service programs. The PPH service provider should accommodate such connectivity. If it does not, then the technology is not stable enough to equip the program running the system. Information about backups and data recovery is essential in case the system crashes for the safety of the bookmaker’s data.

The Bitcoin as an essential factor for choosing a pay per head service provider

The exponential rise of the bitcoin in the market value has seen the invasion and preference of the cryptocurrency in the pay per head service betting site. The bitcoin’s prediction to take over the betting medium in the online gambling arena is imminent due to its convenient wagering properties.

The BTC is free from any government or financial control. This independence makes it possible for bettors to place their wagers unencumbered by cash regulators that block its transfer, especially in the betting industry. The feature is what BTC account holders want with their pay per head services in a betting software. The freedom to transfer their money to betting sites.

Bettors would also like that their identities remain anonymous when they place their bets on pay per head service betting companies. Bitcoin is untraceable when a transaction gets through, but it is on record through blockchains which confirms the right destination and withdrawal of the deal.

Bitcoin account holders who deposited their BTC in IDSca see their bitcoin deposits grow with the increase of its market value which is $16,742.01 as of this writing. Bettors find it comfortable and convenient to place their bets on the bitcoin as it is easy to transact business with IDSca. If you want to withdraw your bitcoin earnings, it is transferable within minutes from request.

When wagering using the bitcoin cryptocurrency, it is allowable to withdraw from your bitcoin deposit as frequent as you can through the BTC payment option. This feature lets you manage your BTC account properly avoiding the tendency to place your bets through impulse.

The current pay per head service company is incomplete without the bitcoin payment option. The cryptocurrency will soon take over the medium of betting in wagering platforms as predicted by the online betting industry.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

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We're here for you 24/7 with expert support at every step of your journey. From seamless setup to optimizing your players' experience, our team is always ready to help.


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