The Originator for over 25 years in Pay Per Head

Price Per Head: Sports Wagering also That of Skill

PokerNow that Federal Judge Jack Weinstein’s ruling in Brooklyn Tuesday that poker is a skill and not a game of chance paved the way for online price per head poker sites, there is a now a chance that sports betting could also be deemed the same.

For the past few years the Poker Alliance of America has been urging for legalization through “education and awareness the PPA will keep this game of skill, one of America’s oldest recreational activities, free from egregious government intervention and misguided laws,” according to their website. (

Live betting against other players, whether in person or now through the internet is now set to be the biggest expansion of gambling since the sports betting was introduced to Las Vegas in the 1970’s.

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Price Per Head: Bwin Signs with Manchester United

BwinAmerican football is around the corner and price per head giant IDSca is offering preseason prices for all new pay per head agents. That is great news for new agents looking to get the best price per head for their players. Contact IDSca today to find out more.

In other news, bwin has put their social gaming plan into the forefront.

 “The market today has about 750m users around the world, growing to 1.5bn by 2015, and it’s currently an $8bn market, expected to grow to $15bn over the next three years,” said Barak Rabinowitz, head of Bwin’s social gaming strategy.

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Price per Head Betting on New Jersey

New-jerseyThe National Football League holds games every year at Wembley Stadium, in London, where sports betting is allowed. Of course neither team is at home.

Price per head sportsbooks are located outside of the United States, and are dedicated to keeping track of any fishy wagers, that seem out of the ordinary. Since most accounts are limited to a normal amount of less than $10,000, there is little chance of anyone getting involved in fixing.

If the United States allowed sports wagering, they would simply eliminate wagering on teams that are within that state.

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Price per Head Bookie Better Control than Plastic

Cantor-gamingWhile some critics have noted that price per head bookies are offering credit, which is a no no, some fail to see the benefits of credit.

Now that Cantor Gaming race and sportsbooks in Las Vegas is allowing bettors to fund their accounts with a credit card, there is nothing stopping someone from going crazy with their plastic.

A price per head bookmaker will have the ability to shut down a player that has failed to pay, before the bettor can get too far in over their head.

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Live Betting Goes Live at IDSca

Live-betting-idsLive betting has begun at price per head pioneer IDSca and although it will take some time for our players to get used to it, the in-play feature looks to be a great hit.

Slowly but surely price per head agents will see the benefits of offering this incredible new live betting service, and most accounts will be ready by the start of regular season NFL.

Currently IDSca is only offering soccer and tennis to give price per head agents a chance to see the in-play product, to watch it in action, and set limits for their players. Once the majority of our pay per head agents are set up, we will add NFL and MLB, and then NBA and NHL once available..

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Real-Time Live Betting

Betting-siteTrue Live betting is not just about offering a re-adjusted spread or total line during commercials breaks. It’s about providing real-time betting at all times of game, and offering a larger variety of lines and props throughout the game.

With our amazing and unique player console, everything is updated automatically. You won’t be annoyed having to refresh your browser constantly to get the latest information.

Live betting is HTML compliant, meaning you won’t need to install any plug-ins like Flash, Microsoft Silverlight or any other in order to make it function. Live betting runs on any browser of any computer system, as well as mobile devices such as your iPad and iPhone.

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