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Price Per Head Agents and Bill C-290

Bill-c290 Will Canadians be able to legally bet on single sports instead of having to use illegal price per head agents?

Unfortunately one of the Senators arguing the bill C-290 has it in for it.

Senator Linda Frum: “Single-sport betting has the power to destroy the entire credibility of sport and ruin the meaning of what it is to be a champion. Wherever single-sport betting is sanctioned, corruption follows and sport is demeaned. I need only cite the events of last week when European police announced they had discovered up to 700 soccer games suspected of being fixed by a syndicate in Singapore, including perhaps some games in Canada. Last week in Australia, the Australian Crime Commission announced it will be cracking down on match fixing and doping in sport, which it describes as ‘widespread.’”

Those almost 700 games have already been investigated by FIFA, president Sepp Blatter said.

“Most of the matches which they [Europol] put in this tray, 600 or 800, have already been analyzed, dealt with and even were at court,” Blatter told reporters last week.

In reality, by legalizing single sport live betting, match fixing would occur less, due to watchdog efforts against fraud. Currently large sportsbooks in Europe alert the leagues and governing bodies when suspicious bets are found.

As far as the Australian match fixing, according to the FFA (Football Federation of Australia) no A-league games are being investigated.

“FFA wants to correct the coverage that has cast a shadow over one Hyundai A-League match,” FFA CEO David Gallop said.

“Our integrity systems gave us the assurance that there were no concerns with the match at Hindmarsh Stadium.

“FFA has sympathy for the clubs, players and officials in that match who got caught up in that story. It’s a reminder that everyone must be careful to deal with the real evidence. The facts can have a calming effect and this is a case in point.”

Senator Frum, you have nothing to use in your anti sports gambling rant.

For the time Canadians will have to continue with their pay per head sportsbooks.

Senator Frum: Single-sport betting has the power to destroy the entire credibility of sport and ruin the meaning of what it is to be a champion. Wherever single-sport betting is sanctioned, corruption follows and sport is demeaned. I need only cite the events of last week when European police announced they had discovered up to 700 soccer games suspected of being fixed by a syndicate in Singapore, including perhaps some games in Canada. Last week in Australia, the Australian Crime Commission announced it will be cracking down on match fixing and doping in sport, which it describes as “widespread.”

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