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Spotting The Pretentious PPH Software Provider

In most cases, a scammer may appear friendly and handle your concerns professionally and discreetly. They are also popular in offering the cheapest prices and yet claim to be genuine when it comes to their services. On the contrary, a good pph software provider should not be always expensive. Software dealers will do everything only to convince a bookie to subscribe to their software.


If you are one of the online bookies who faced a pph software provider that is not legit, remember that you are not alone. This article will help you recover and find out which pph software is a scam or and which are not. Do not let your business shut down because of those pretentious pph software providers around. Here are the few tips on how to check the legitimacy of a pph software:


Unrealistic Claims

One of the best qualities of a pph software provider is for making realistic claims. Too much advertising leads to an unrealistic claim; that is why it is necessary not to easily get attracted to false advertisements. Another form of unrealistic claim in a pph software provider describes how rich bookmakers will get if they use their software instead of a competitor’s software. The fact is, no matter the quality of a pph software, it is still not the only way to assure the success of an online bookie business. There’s no way that you can totally depend your business on software alone.


Keep Asking for Money

If a pph software provider keeps on asking money from you in every step of the way, then it may not be the right company for your business. If everything costs money, this is another way to identify a pretentious pay per head company. Companies like this offer little services and will leave your bankrupted. Legit pph software provider offers many tools that should be included with the initial software purchase. Check and verify carefully the completeness of your pph software package. This is one way of not only to save much of your money without spending too much on the technology you are told you need.


Won’t Keep Promises

The easiest way to identify a fake pph software provider is if it keeps on making lots of promises but won’t keep it. These promises are empty and that a pretentious pph software provider doesn’t have the actual plan to make it happen. If you encounter this type of pay per head company like this, don’t ever waste your time. One promise is enough. Remember that it is business that’s involved and your career as an online bookie depends on it.


Poor Reviews    

Reviews are one of the significant factors in proving legitimacy and so many negative reviews are not beneficial for your business. In fact, it’s a very effective and less time-consuming way to identify a fraud pph software provider. The best thing about reviews is that bookies will definitely tell the truth about their actual experience in a particular pph software provider. Also, they will explain their stories and what they felt as well as the experiences of their gamblers in positive and negative views. Otherwise, there are some popular and useful forums where you can ask questions on the users’ experience. Somehow, you can also read reviews conducted by bloggers and posted on websites.


Low-level Support

An online internet business is totally dependent on support for some reasons. A 24-hour support is a top priority in an online bookie business. This is because not all gamblers are tech and internet savvy and there are times wherein they won’t understand some technical terms. Likewise, in times when a bookmaker is not available, a 24/7 call center support can help the gamblers place their wagers without hassles.


Criteria of a Legit PPH Software Provider

As defined, a pay per head company provides bookmakers with the complete wagering tools that are necessary for the operation of the offshore sportsbook. Apart from the things which you should check out carefully in a pph software provider, there are also some positive features that are better been noticed. The best pph software provider does not only claims their value but also prove it. Here are some important qualities of a pph software provider which you should identify along with the above criteria.


Safe for Online Transactions

The first criteria which should be noticeable in a pph software provider are having an unbreakable security. Online transactions are very risky especially if it involves money, so, a pph software provider should come with the toughest firewall to block intruders. Besides, betting is a form of lucrative business and not all areas are safe, that is why a strong security is necessary to give the gamblers and bookies their peace of mind.  


Has Complete Tools

Complete tools are necessary to run a bookie business effectively. If the tools included in a pph software provider package lacks the essence, then you must leave it and look for others. For instance, custom reports is a necessity for it shows the wagering and gambling activities that happen inside the sportsbook. It even allows you to check for info for the current and past dates. So, if the tools under these reports are not complete, you will not be able to commit effectively to the important matters of your business. Check to see if your package comes with complete tools or you still have to pay for additional fees to acquire other tools of the sportsbook.


Web and Mobile-Friendly

A centralized and full control of the bookie as the master agent is another important criteria you should check in a pph software provider. The best pph software provider offers services that are not only accessible via the web but also opens other platforms like in mobile and tablets. This will make transactions fast and easy for both the bookies and gamblers can quickly respond to any queries and problems in no time. Gamblers can also quickly place their wagers and even watch a live game.


Offers Unlimited Support

Bookies are also human beings who need rest. Because of this, a pay per head software provider must come with 24/7 call center support in times that the bookie is not available. The high demand for gamblers is the blood of the business and they should be provided with continuous assistance at all times. You must select a pph software provider with a good call center support for both customer service and technical in order to meet your clients’ demands.


Gives Reasonable Bonuses

The reality about bonuses is that it is not only offered to promote a certain product, but also to give credits to loyal gamblers. The best pph software provider can offer huge yet realistic bonuses to attract and entertain the gamblers. There are a variety of bonuses such as deposit bonus, referral bonus, weekly bonus, and more.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

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