The Originator for over 25 years in Pay Per Head

Success: How to Set up a Pay Per Head Account and Thrive

How to Set up a Pay Per Head account? Have you been looking for a way to make money that can keep making money for you day or night? Do you love sports and want to be able to make money on your schedule in the sports industry? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, then it very well may be time to set up a bookie business. Yes, these days, anyone can sign up to be a bookie. As we explain the process of getting started with a sportsbook in this article, it’s not that complicated. In fact, it’s very easy. But, the key isn’t just getting started with a pay per head service. Rather, what’s important is thriving with it, making the big bucks over time as you go.

Of course, it’s important to note that everyone’s experience will be different. What works for you and your sportsbook will be different than what works for someone else. That said, below are the tips that have real world experience behind them. They’ve worked. Specifically, they’ve worked in the past and they can work in the future as well as the present. Let’s go.

Find the Right Pay Per Head Site

The first step to “getting set up” is to find a site that you actually want to work with. You’ll notice that we said “work with” and not “work on.” There’s a reason for that. When you go with a sports betting software site, you’re partnering with them in a very real way. They create a platform that you want to use. They’re incentivized to make their platform better so that you can make more money. If you don’t make money with their platform, they know that you (and other bookies the world over) will migrate to a different site. That’s why one of the most important keys is:

Go With PPH or Payperhead, Whatever You Call It

No matter what you call these online sportsbook service sites, you’re going to want to work with one that works on a pay per head basis. Why? So that you don’t have to pay some up front fee, you don’t have to pay out of your winnings, you don’t have to pay out of your bets, your bonuses, or anything of that nature. Instead, you’re, well, paying per head. You’re paying by the amount of gamblers that you have on your site, that you have wagering on your site. This is the fairest system for all involved for many reasons.

How a Bookie and a Bookie Software Business Thrive with Pay Per Head

Simply put, you’re both motivated to do the best job possible. You, as a bookie, want to be able to offer the best in everything to your players. That means offering them any game that they might want, any kind of bet that they might want to make, the odds they’re looking for, currencies that they want to gamble with, and so forth. By that same token, the pay per head provider wants to give you every advantage, every good service, too. If you make money, they’ll make money. If you have the opportunity to make cash, they will, too. It’s a beautiful thing when it works in tandem (as any of the good reviews can tell you).

Go for the Free Demo, Free Trial, Whatever It May Be Called

This is a more important part of setting up a site than many think. You want to go with a site that has a great free trial. What makes a great free trial? Well, for starters, they let you use everything at once. Some sites hold back on some functions, on some range of the features they offer until you sign up. That’s not a site that sees you as a partner. Rather, they see you as an additional revenue stream. You aren’t someone they can deal with, you’re someone they can make money off of. Instead, you want someone whose internet free trial includes absolutely everything a client/gambler/anyone else would be able to use.

Push the Limits With Your Free Trial

If you’re wondering “What should I try on these platforms with the free trial,” the answer is: “Everything.” Do everything you can. After all, this is you starting a new business. Think of it like testing out a new office: you want to know all there is to know about it before you move in. So, try all of the different aspects. See how they work for you. Do everything the customers might. So, see if they have all of the sporting events that your guys are going to want to bet on. Check if the site works not just in English, but in other languages, too. See if it’s easy to bet on a team, to bet on a player, to bet the different games, to make a deposit, to click on promotions, and so forth.

Check the Casino and the Racebook, Too

Check out everything. Play the casino games. See how the live dealer casino works, play the blackjack, bet on horse racing and not just football, open the apps, see how the slots and their spins work – do all of it. You want it to be as easy to place a wager as possible. There’s only so much info you can glean from testimonials, no matter how detailed. Thus, you want to be able to try every selection, utilize every example, and so forth, from games of chance to every sport, before making a decision. Then and only then should you take the plunge and setup your pay per head site.

It’s the Sports Betting Industry: So Know the Sports

If you’ve read to this point, you’ve chosen a site. You’ve picked one participant in the pay per head industry to “hang your hat on,” so to speak. You’ve chosen a site that is accessible in all of the states, in every country, anywhere. Now, it’s time to make sure that, yes, you know the sports. That doesn’t mean that you had to have been ready to go pro in baseball or something back in the day, nor does it mean that you needed to have spent your entire youth with plans to be a head coach. But, if you’re going to be able to bring in bettors to your site and keep them there, you’re going to want to know about the sports.

More Benefits of Pay Per Head Sites: Guides

Many of the folks that use our site as bookies know all of the information there is to know about a few sports, about some of the games at the casinos, but not all of them. That doesn’t mean that they just ignore those types. Rather, they go through all of the gambling guides we offer bookies at our site. Just one look at these can help tremendously. Think of them as a FAQ for the sports that you’re interested in. By having them, you’ll be able to find the solution to your questions about these games. It’s not that they can make you an expert, necessarily, someone that will always win and never suffer a loss again. But, rather, instead, they can provide you with a lot of info, with which you can be in line to be able to hang with the competition and have a better site. All of the bookies out there are, in a real way, their own companies. Thus, your success is tied to being the best bookmaker possible. These guides can help.

Stay on Top of Customer Service, Too

If you went with the right site, then you should have all of the right tools for top customer service. That means having a call center of people. You’ll note that we said “people,” as in “folks who answer a question.” We did not say “AI” or chatbots or something like that. No, if you want nice things (as in a high number of satisfied players) then you’re going to want to go with pay per head services that include real customer service pros who can be reached on the phone at no cost to your clients. Beyond just having the ability to offer access to these people as one more type of benefit, you’re also going to want to check in on what they’re saying, too.

Care for the Market

Hopefully, when you were researching sportsbooks and figuring out how to do the best for your sports book, you found where there might be some problems in there as well as how to fix them. You want to go about this in the right ways, building your site in such a manner that people want to come back for the action. So, make sure to talk to your players in addition to taking their wagers, seeing exactly how you can help your site to level up.

Listen to the Users’ Idea

In addition to talking to your users, of course, you also want to implement them, too. This can be one of your easier decisions. If someone says on the form that they’re struggling with making a payment, if they can’t get good service in Costa Rica, Las Vegas, or anywhere else, make sure to listen. It’s not just a question of directing them to the right page. Rather, you want to be able to provide them with a service that’s free of hassle. Through this, they’re going to continue to make you their choice time and time again, their first option when they have all of the bookmakers to choose from. You’ll be not just among the top ones, but rather number one.

Payments and Payouts

Check your sportsbook software to ensure that you’re getting payments, deposits, and the like, in the correct manner for you as well as your players. That can make all of the difference in the world. It could be that your players want to pay in Bitcoin, they want to pay with other cryptocurrencies, they want to pay with credit cards, etc. – make sure that they can. No matter what they’re betting on, whether it’s some props bets, a promotion, or anything else, your hold percentage of players can only increase or improve depending on the caliber of bookie services in regards to payments that you can offer.

Keeping Track of Payment Needs is a High Level of Customer Support

Always remember: your business, your company is founded around the idea of others losing. You want them to see your logo, give you hundreds of dollars for bets, lose, and then come back. As far as businesses go, it can be a challenging one. But, if you do this right, you can be on the side that comes out ahead time and time again. You want the entire site to work as quickly as possible, but you want it to be as simple as can be to make payments as well as to payout. That’s always at the top of the responsibilities you have.

Keep Your Head in the Sports Betting Business

What’s the most important thing to remember about betting? Right: be able to handle the losses. Never bet more than you’re willing to lose, that you would feel comfortable losing. That goes with your site as well as a bookie. After all, even if the site doesn’t have your name on it, it’s your site in every way. Those are your resources going into it. Thus, you have to be content with the way it’s run, with the control that you have. So, always make certain that you’re never betting more than you can afford to lose at every step of the way.

Risk and Your Bookie Service

The “fees” in this business are, of course, the amount you’re paying per head of your customer base. But, your real competition, in a way, is the other bettor groups. Those who choose a username, a password, and open your site to be able to make money on sports. Remember: you have to be smart here. If this is to be your business, run it like a business. That means offering all of the solutions that players are looking for, sure, but also being in a position to be able to come back the next day, too. The markets can be challenging, even if you offer a variety of services through your app. The biggest factor, perhaps, between the agent who succeeds and the agent who doesn’t isn’t profits, it’s not about who bets better on the horses or whatever. But rather, it’s about the bookie who doesn’t lose their mind when it comes to the ups and downs of sports betting.

Adjust Lines on the Fly and More

It’s important to remember that you don’t just have a “window” to succeed. Indeed, you have plenty of time. You want to run your site in such a way that you have a real chance to keep it running, today as well as tomorrow. You don’t want to “max out” one day and then lose so much you can’t play the next one. Your bettors think that way and so should you.

Use the Reports

Be sure to follow the agents’ reports that you’re given about how your players are betting. You can’t put a price on that information what it tells you about how they’re betting on one game or another. This list will tell you about their habits as well as how you can maximize them for your own growth.

Heart and Head

Now, of course, as this being a sports site, that doesn’t mean that you’re just locked into following the reports. So much of sports, as you know, is as much about the head as it is about the heart. We would never want a bookie to not go with their gut, to follow their heart, to run their site as they want. Thus, when you’re starting to pool your resources, be sure to navigate your site management through instincts as well as stats.

Being Careful About Offers and Bonuses, Too

Offering a bonus, a big prize on your site can be a great way to bring in more folks, sure. But, again, you don’t want to offer something that will ultimately hurt you in the long run. Do this judiciously, so that you can keep coming back tomorrow, so to speak. Think of them like timeouts in a game: you have but so many, so use them when you should.

The Right Options for Your Business

Managing your time is crucial to any business, but particularly in this one. After all, there are so many hours in a day and so much to do. For example, be sure to manage your other job (if you have one), your social life, and your family life, (if your wife wants you to look at pools, for example, be sure to do that for a while and not just the stats for the game), etc. You do not want to burn yourself out here.

 First Step to Set Up: Getting Started

A lot of this covered some of the challenges of setting up a site. However, it can be a great way to make money, to really take control of your finances as well as your life. You’ve read to this part. It’s time to begin. It’s time to take the next step and get started.

The Free Trial Awaits

Here comes the sales pitch, the “call to action.” You’ll find that you very well may want some of those on your site as well. As with so many new businesses, the beginning may be a bit challenging. But, if you hang in there, the rewards can be immense. With the right site and proper upkeep, you have a real chance to win and keep winning.

Sign Up Today

The time has come. The games are about to begin. There are players out there who want to bet, who want to go to a site like yours. If you’re ready to take the plunge and be a bookie, we can help.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

We are here with you every step of the way

We're here for you 24/7 with expert support at every step of your journey. From seamless setup to optimizing your players' experience, our team is always ready to help.


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