The Originator for over 25 years in Pay Per Head

The Bookmaker’s Website

There is one thing that a bookie would want for his online betting business and that is the bookmaker’s website. This feature is one of the benefits an odds master will have if he employs a pay per head betting software in his online wagering business. There are plenty of advantages a bookie has on his landing page for his business to thrive.

Professional Service Providers from the Bookmaker’s Website

Having a simple betting site is not enough when you are in the online gambling industry. An odds master needs a betting platform that delivers efficient services to its customers. A bookmaker’s website where punters of a group turn to and enjoy their gambling activities with pleasure and customer support. The venue will also be an arena where they could avail of the benefits most big names in the business are at par with in terms of services and facilities. 

Benefits of a Bookmaker’s Website

Familiarity of the Bookmaker

Online gamblers trust the bookmaker’s website, especially if they know the operator of the betting platform. Punters will have better services delivered with the odds master focused only on his group of gamblers. A bookie landing page will provide convenience for gamblers to place their bets 24/7 throughout the year. The betting site supplier keeps track of the visitors and their gambling interests with the courteous online receptionists that responds to queries in a respectful manner.

The pay per head wagering software has the program for this administrative function on a bookmaker’s website to succeed. It lessens the burden of the bookie through an automated process that records all transactions on the betting platform. An odds master can move about the next chore with the pph program handling the inquiries of customers.

Continuous Upgrade of a Bookmaker’s Website

A wagering platform should adhere to the evolution of technology by leveling up its software and hardware parameters. The best bookie website does not lag behind the competition. Odds masters need not worry about the upgrades. Reliable betting companies do the improvement to stay at a level playing field with competition. A wagering entity like IDSca, automatically does the upgrading of the bookmaker’s website to even the odds against big names in the online gambling business. Our company wants the best for its bookmakers by supplying them with an up-to-date pay per head betting software. 

For an independent bookie operating his online betting business, it is very expensive to upgrade a wagering platform. But with IDSca, our company has the capacity to improve its operations by enhancing the programs and hardware requirements that will boost productivity of the bookmaker website. Bookies need all the business tools in can get to make smart decisions for the betting platform.The upgrade will increase the revenues flowing into the online betting business.

SIgnificant technological upgrade of the betting platform for better facilities to accommodate the market are put in place. The system maintenance is important to keep up with the pace of development to stay in the race among the gambling operators’ competition and for a slice of the gambling market.

Punters need to complete their analysis on the team they are going to place their bets with. They need vital information before they commit their wagers, care of their favorite bookie. A bookmaker needs to ensure his online players of the safety, privacy and fairness of their transactions as well as the gambler’s account. 

bookmaker’s website

Efficient Call Center Services

A bookmaker’s website will have reliable call center agents manning the communications line for its customers. All inquiries and requests for assistance will pass through this correspondence channel. Prompt response for phone calls by receptionists is imperative as long as they are free from their previous tasks. Chat messages in dialogue boxes receive immediate answers when  call center agents are through with their previous customer. Emails get their answers within 24 hours.

With the pay per head on a bookie betting site, an odds master will avail of this benefit that will ease the chores from the daily grind of his wagering platform. Experienced agents will handle the inquiries in a professional manner. Transactions will be documented and logged in to bookie’s account for stored information that they will need in future references.

Online Customer Support

The pay per head betting software will take care of the customer support section in the bookmaker’s website. Gamblers will prefer a betting site that is always ready to deliver its services in terms of technical support and assistance relevant to their betting activities. An odds master will need the pay per head supplier’s help to manage his online betting business to grow and develop his online wagering venture.

More Coverage on Local and International Sporting Events

The bookmaker’s website, with the pay per head software in its arsenal, can offer local and global sports competitions like all major American sports such as NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL in both collegiate and professional levels. Other sports include Golf, Motorsports, Boxing, MMA, Tennis, Soccer among other competitions. 

The NFL is on its second week of preseason games. The US Open Grand Slam Tennis Tournament is just around the corner and the NBA openers are fast approaching. IDSca will be there to cover these games and serve our customers to the best as we can.

Casino and Racebook Integration to the Bookmaker’s Website

There will be players who enjoy and want to place their wagers in online casinos and horse racing events. A bookie will have an option to have these add-ons in their betting platform. IDSca will also cover the local and international horse racing events. Popular online casino games will be available to gamblers enjoying these items. Casino games include Poker, Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Keno, Bingo, slots, Baccarat, Pai Gaw and other exciting events on the online casino.

IDSca is your pay per head betting software provider that will see your bookmaker’s website through all the competition and intricacies in the gambling arena. The services we offer will improve the profits and revenues of your business.

Visit our website at to learn more about our company.

Call our hotline at (866) 225-5437 to schedule your one week free trial. Enjoy our bonuses and sign-in perks for new customers. Enjoy you time with us because we’ll take care of your needs.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

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We're here for you 24/7 with expert support at every step of your journey. From seamless setup to optimizing your players' experience, our team is always ready to help.


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