The Originator for over 25 years in Pay Per Head

Where Pay Per Head Bookies Call Home

For many years, before the rise of online sportsbook, so much of the bookie business relied on trust alone. The bookie had to trust their players to pay up, the players had to trust the bookie, and so forth. Today, bookies and players alike trust our site. IDSCA has been specifically designed to be somewhere that people from all walks of life can find the game they want to bet on and get a bet down on it. Pay per head bookies now that here at IDSCA, we’re doing everything we can to help them to find new players and then retain them.

Pay Per Head Bookies

Pay Per Head Bookies Support

In the online bookie software world, the word “support” has many meanings. It can mean “technical support,” as in “someone to answer your questions.” However, it can also mean that there’s someone to answer your players’ questions, too. Here at IDSCA, we’re proud to offer our bookies the best of both technical support and other forms of support as well. Indeed, we do everything we can to support our pay per head bookies as much as possible.

IDSCA offers top-notch customer support to each of our bookies and their players. That means that when your players have a question, they have a number they can call. This number will put them in touch with a true professional who knows what they’re talking about. To repeat: this number will put them in touch with a real professional who knows what they’re talking about. They won’t get someone who answered an online ad and has never watched a game in their life. Instead, they’ll be connected to a knowledgeable expert who will be able to answer their questions entirely.

A pay per head site without this very important feature does a disservice to their players as well as their bookies. Then, if the players have questions, they don’t really have anyone to talk to. Talking to the bookie themselves takes time out of the bookie’s busy schedule, time that could be better filled with growing their business, resting, or literally anything else. Additionally, while our bookies are highly knowledgeable and know their games, they might not know all of the ins and outs of our particular platform. Our tech support can answer those questions as well so that pay per head bookies can just get the bets down without having to handle all of the minor technical aspects.

Support Through Games

For an online sportsbook to be worth a player’s and a bookie’s time, it has to have many qualities. It has to be easy to use. It has to be mobile optimized. Perhaps most importantly, it has to have all of the games that the players are looking for. Even the best online sports betting site won’t be worth it if it doesn’t have games for players to bet on. Those games make up the lifeblood of online bookie software, everything comes from that.

So, to make sure that our bookies and their players have the best of everything to draw from, we make sure to give our players hundreds of games a month to choose from. No matter the month, there are plenty of great games to choose from. As of this writing, it’s July. So, that means that players can get down bets on the baseball season, as the pennant chase picks up after the All-Star Game. In just a few days’ time, the NFL training camps will open. That means preseason football is soon to follow, and along with it, college football, too. This is the time of year that many of our bookies cherish: the calm before the storm. This brief interlude falls between the NBA Finals and Stanley Cup Final (as well as the Women’s World Cup this year) and the pennant chase and beginning of football. Very soon, the online bookie world is going to ignite. That makes this the best time to get started.

Many of our bookies (and their players) start with us because they love the games, because they’ve been following the sports, watching and even playing them their entire lives. However, those aren’t the only people that become bookies through our site. Many do it because they love a sport, and then learn the other ones so as to draw in more players. This is one more way that we can offer support.

When you come to our site, you’ll find that we have resources touting each of the games. You can learn more about them from us so that you’ll be able to offer your players a great experience in sports that you personally may not be terribly familiar with this moment. While we always offer our bookies the option to change the lines as they see fit, you don’t have to do that. If you’d like, you can stick with the line from Vegas as well, meaning that you can just offer the games to your players without having to change them. Our aim is to build a sportsbook that accommodates all of our bookies.

More Than Games, Too

Of course, you might be thinking: “hey, that sounds all well and good for August. But what am I going to do in the meantime here in July?” While there are so many baseball games practically every night, perhaps baseball isn’t necessarily your thing. There may be some MLS games available, but maybe your players are in a geographic area where they perhaps aren’t exposed to the MLS. Even if that is the case, there’s plenty that you can offer your players from IDSCA. We have a live casino and racebook, too.

This is a great time of year in North America for horse racing. There’s horse racing practically all over the country and elsewhere. People from all walks of life enjoy horse racing. But, many people, due to where they live or their schedules, can’t necessarily get to horse racing to bet on it. While the major sports are essentially always on TV, horse racing isn’t always. That’s where our IDSCA site can come in.

You can offer your players a great way to bet on the horses. They can go through our site and get a bet down on horse races from all over. That way, you can get each of those players who would love to go to a horse track to bet but can’t actually do it. This can expand your base of players far beyond those who just love the NFL, or who only bet on college football. Now, you can bring in people who are betting horse racing, which happens far more often than practically all of the other sports.

The live casino can give your players a great thrill, too. Sure, more places around the country have casinos than ever before, but that doesn’t mean that people want to have to get dressed up to go to them. When someone wants to play their favorite casino games but doesn’t want to leave their couch, they could come to your site and find them there. You can give your players all of the thrills of the casino while they’re in the restroom, in line at the bank, or anywhere else where they have a few minutes.

Supportive Free Trial

A free trial that doesn’t include all of the functions is less than a free trial. That’s why we make sure that, when you come to our site, you’re able to use all of the IDSCA functions. That means that you can experiment with everything during our free trial, to see if IDSCA is right for you. The online betting, the line setting, the racebook, the casino – it’s all available to you from the jump. To start the process, simply go to our site or give us a call at (866) 225-5437.

What Are the Key Features of Our Pay per Head Service?

The key features of sports bookie software include:
The ability to set bets for players

Bets such as managing the odds, picking which bets are going to be offered, and so forth

Analytic tools

Additionally, this software should contain plenty of analytic tools for bookies, making it possible for them to track the bets, the players, and so much more.

Mobile Compatibility

Beyond that, mobile compatibility is crucial in the modern betting environment, as it makes it more convenient for bettors and bookies alike. Security is paramount - no bookie nor bettor wants to work with a site that could be hacked.

We are here with you every step of the way

We're here for you 24/7 with expert support at every step of your journey. From seamless setup to optimizing your players' experience, our team is always ready to help.


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